Memorial Spaceflights

Why You Should Prearrange a Celestis Memorial Spaceflight


If you’ve ever dreamed of flying in space, of becoming an astronaut, of living on a space station…

If you’ve gazed at the stars, shared the wonders of the night sky with others with your telescope,  been amazed by the journeys of space probes like Voyager, Pioneer, New Horizons or Mars Pathfinder

If you’ve been inspired by Star Trek, Star Wars or any of the other great works of science fiction…

Then you should make arrangements to fly into the final frontier with Celestis – either by flying your DNA now or by flying a sample of your cremated remains when the time comes.

Robot and spaceship

Many Celestis Memorial Spaceflight participants have been sci-fi fans

Prearranging a Celestis flight has many benefits. First and foremost, you will fulfill your dream of spaceflight. You can specify your spaceflight destination: Earth Orbit, the Moon, Deep Space, or a flight into space that returns your cremated remains and capsule back to Earth – and to your family. Once you enter into a contract, Celestis will provide you a certificate you can include among your important papers, share with your family, or display at your home or office. Many people have difficulty talking with their family and friends regarding their wishes for how they wish to be remembered after their passing. It’s a sensitive subject many people would rather not discuss. So having a Celestis prearrangement certificate can help you communicate your wishes to your loved ones – especially at the time of need.

When a loved one passes, families experience a tremendous amount of stress. They are overwhelmed with grief, yet need to make significant decisions about the disposition of their loved one’s remains – decisions that can have very significant financial impacts on the family. Prearranging your Celestis Memorial Spaceflight will relieve your family of this decision: They will know what you wanted to do upon your passing. Once cremation occurs, your family need only contact Celestis – we will do the rest. At the time of need, we'll send a Celestis Flight Sampling Kit to your family or funeral service provider (as you direct). Your family will be kept informed of all launch news and can attend your launch to see your wishes fulfilled. In short, prearranging is a gift for your family – a gift from which they will benefit at a crucial time.

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Prearranging also locks in the price of your Celestis Memorial Spaceflight. The prices of these unique memorial services have increased since the company’s founding in 1994. With a qualifying down payment you can protect your family from future cost escalation. Celestis will work with you to make a payment plan that fits your budget. Funds for prearrangement are deposited in a trust account that is operated by ClearPoint Federal Bank & Trust, a nationally recognized leader in funeral services banking. Or your estate can use insurance benefits to cover the cost at the time of need.

By prearranging, you’ll also be invited to attend Celestis launch events. We hope you’ll join us for a liftoff – and all of the launch-related activities we provide for families. For example, you may want to tour the launch pad and mission control, or have dinner with an astronaut. You can attend the mission’s memorial service where family members share memories of loved ones on board the spacecraft. And most of all, you can watch – and feel – the fiery liftoff of a Celestis Memorial Spaceflight … and see just how meaningful the launch is for families. You’ll witness what your family will experience when they attend your launch into outer space.

Many people are prearranging – some have subsequently flown on one or more of the 17 missions we have flown to date. Let us help you fulfill your spaceflight dreams. Contact us today to prearrange a Celestis Memorial Spaceflight. 

Arrange a Memorial Spaceflight

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