Memorial Spaceflights

Warren Vermouth Stearns, Jr.

"Realizing his dream"
1958 - 2006

Although Warren was born in New Jersey, he traveled a lot because his father was in the Air Force. His favorite memories were of every summer being sent to his "Grand daddy's" tobacco farm in Chapel Hill, North Carolina to help out.

Warren graduated high school in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1976 and headed off to college to Chapel Hill and the Univeristy of North Carolina to learn to become a cop. While there, he played football with the University of North Carolina Tar Heels and held down a job as a security guard to put himself through school.

After graduation, he moved to Wilmington, North Carolina and began working as a police officer. Warren eventually became involved in the Vice and Narcotics division as an undercover officer.

He was married in 1988, and had two daughters, Bailey Stearns and Kasey Stearns. After a divorce in 1997, and having custody of his children, Warren moved with his daughters back to Chapel Hill.

In 2000 Warren met Donna Greene, and wanting to be available for his children, he decided to change jobs. She taught him to dispatch 18-wheelers hauling bulk transportation. Warren and Donna worked with Atlantic Carriers out of Atlantic, Iowa for several years.

Warren was remarried in 2002 to Donna Greene. They moved to the small town of Sophia, North Carolina where they became the Eastern Division of Atlantic Carriers.

Warren loved Classic Rock and Country, Toby Keith in particular

Warren loved to help people, and donated his time to Snyder Farms to help cater at places like the Victory Junction Gang Camp functions, or the Randolph County Republican Party fundraisers.

Warren always had an interest in space. He wanted to be in the Air Force and fly, but couldn't qualify because of his eyesight. However, he had a pilot's license before he could drive. Any time he would see a space shuttle on TV he would tell Donna that was his dream ... to go up in space.

I decided to use the service, because shortly after Warren died, I found an e-mail that he had sent to me that had the Space Services Inc. site on it. I knew that was his way of telling me what he wanted because I knew space was his dream.

I thought this was only fitting. Before Warren, I was married to a controlling man. Warren set me free and taught ME how to "fly".... HE encouraged me to be all I could be ... so it is only fitting that now it is "Time for him to Fly."

Warren was a good man; he loved his life and he loved his family: He said he had everything he wanted and was so very lucky to have what he did. He made many friends in the transportation industry and has been greatly missed.

Donna Stearns

Fulfill The Dream of Spaceflight

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