Memorial Spaceflights

Walter Langner, Jr.

"We love you forever"
1948 - 2008

Walter Henry Langner, Jr. was born in Ohio on December 22, 1948. Born to Walter Henry Langner, Sr. and June Bernice Langner, he is survived by his brother, Richard, his sister, Beverly, his wife, Eileen, his six children and six grandchildren.

He proudly served as a private in the army from 1969 to 1971. He was stationed overseas in Germany. After being honorably discharged from the military he returned to Florida to start his career in roofing.

He was married on April 28, 1972 to Virgie Eileen Rewis. They remained happily married until his death. He enjoyed riding his motorcycle, traveling, gambling, finding deals on eBay, Formula One and spending time with his wife, children and grandchildren.

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