Memorial Spaceflights

James E. Rogan

"You are a rare noble soul."
1932 - 2011

"For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, 
Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be;
Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails, 
Pilots of the purple twilight dropping down with costly bales..."

From "Locksley Hall," by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1835


Dear Jimmy,

This is supposed to be biographical so I'll start when you were a very young boy. I love the story about the time you ate all the peanut butter out of the jar except the part around the sides. That's why your mother didn't know she was out of peanut butter til she got ready to make cookies! You have been a true honest friend to so many people. You were still in touch with many of your grade school friends. You were always ready to learn new things. From the time you started working for McDonnell Douglas to building solar sails, you never slowed down. You loved kids -- all kids! In California you coached Pop Warner football. You would have been a great teacher. You had the ability to understand why someone didn't understand something; then you could explain it so they could understand. You were so patient. You had a wonderful dry sense of humor. I've spent the last 20 years laughing and smiling thanks to you! You have the best heart of anyone I've ever known. You look for the best in people until they prove differently. Of course, my favorite thing about you was that you loved me unconditionally. Thank you for helping me grow and giving me strength. You are the love of my life -- my knight in shining armor. Save me a place.

Love you forever,
Mary Dell


Dear Jim,

As you swim among the stars, stop and hug Mom, Dad and Jack for us. Eternal rest be yours.

Maryann, Fran, Waller



It's with a heavy heart I watch you on your way today. I treasure the joy you brought to everyday life ... the joy of a snitchin' bag and backyard barbeques; for teaching me not to be afraid ... of big dogs, of myself and what's possible. I will forever carry your quiet strength with me. May space be everything you hoped and dreamed it would be.

I love you.


Although my dad was one of the most intelligent people I've ever known, he was always grounded and got the most joy from the simpler things in life: his family, music, the ocean, barbecuing, dogs and children. I am forever grateful for the intangible things my dad provided to me throughout our lives together. He encouraged me to travel and to go to school. He had a quirky sense of humor. He loved Disneyland, even as an adult. He taught me how to drive a stick shift, he bought me books galore, and always welcomed my friends. He spent countless hours in the pool swimming with me, let me tag along with him to the hardware store and was always there when I needed him.

Thank you!!



You are and always will be my hero. Your kindness, intelligence and humor affected so many in such a positive way that, as a man, father and human being, made you a one of a kind. I will remember always the lessons you taught me, the humor you gave, your life ethic and your path set forth as a father and a person of great character. You always showed strength in life and death and your un-wavering commitment to your family and faith is and always will be remembered as the example for how to live a full life. You did so much as a father, friend, professional and as a person that made everyone around you better.

I will think of you every day for the rest of my life and will smile broadly when I speak of you, my father, my dad.

Your trip in space is a testament to you as you belong high above many in the domain that fascinated and brought about your intellectual, professional and personal genius.

I love you Dad, see you soon.

Your son,



It was a privilege and an honor working with you. We miss you, good friend.

The Space Services Team



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