Connie Sue Jones was born to Frank and JoAnn Goodner in Pensacola, Florida, on August 10th, 1953. The eldest of three sisters, Bonnie and JoAnn, Connie always had a deep thirst for knowledge, and in the days without smartphones, computers, or even color TV, the only real option left was books. Connie and her sisters took to books with passion. Connie’s literary skills, combined with her quick learning of math and sciences, enabled her to graduate as the valedictorian of her high school and receive scholarships to U.C. Davis.
Connie always dreamt of going into space, but it never came to fruition due to some physical and visual limitations. When time permitted, Connie was also an avid reader of Science Fiction. Robert Heinlein was her all-time favorite, so much so that she read and collected all of Mr. Heinlein’s novels, including Grumbles from the Grave, his last literary piece.
The link below is Connie's digital scrapbook. After clicking on the link and opening the file, you will notice on the lower right of the cover a curved arrow once the cover appears. Click on the arrow with the finger-hand cursor, and the pages will be turned forward. You can turn them as fast or as slow as you choose. On the left side, the opposite page is another, so you can turn back if you prefer. At the very end, there is only one page of what looks like a City Council Meeting, which it is. That is a link to a short audio-visual presentation reading by the Mayor of the City of West Sacramento. The Honorable Martha Guerrero covers and acknowledges Connie’s life.
Connie and the Family would be honored if you took the time to look through her Flipbook.
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
- Robert Heinlein’s “Time Enough for Love,” 1973