Memorial Spaceflights

Michael Lucas Kovacic

"Farewell, My Crazy Pirate King."
1977 - 2016

Michael Lucas Kovacic was one of a kind. A brilliant, wild ball of energy that never wavered in loving life. An automation engineer by trade but that doesn’t even come close to summing up who he was, and what he truly brought to the world.

He pushed limits and boundaries in all things: in what he said, how he acted, and what he challenged those around him to try. Sure, that could be intensely annoying at times…ha ha…but there was never, ever a dull moment when Mikie was around.

I asked Mike’s many friends to sum him up in a sentence or two…and help capture the essence of what this crazy little Canadian was all about….and here’s what I got…

‘He knew how to make people laugh, and he remains in my heart, reminding me to not take life too seriously.’

"I have to keep drinking so my wife finds me charming" - sage advice

‘Mikie’s laugh.’

‘Absolutely wicked sense of humour.’

‘Taco Bell Muppet’

‘ LBF (Little Blue-haired Freak)’

‘Frickin hilarious’

”Everything is Awesome”


‘Quirky, intelligent, silly & an absolute joy to spend time with.’

‘When he was inspired he was a burst of energy, moving, speaking and dancing all the while working on something!

He lived life to the fullest.

As my brother- in- law the family was always excited when Mike was coming!

It meant fun, laughter and wonder.’

‘Chilly mad muppet’

The world is quieter now, its gleam tarnished, and its hive mind sorely diminished with the loss of a man who understood its nuances so well, yet loved it no less.

Farewell, Mikie. I hope you find your One Piece.

Participant Aboard:

Fulfill The Dream of Spaceflight

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