Memorial Spaceflights

Lloyd G. Luoma

"The True Light Now Shineth"
1925 - 1997

The theme of "three" runs throughout Lloyd Luoma's life. Born in Los Angeles on 3/3/25 at 3:30 a.m., he completed life's circle in his retirement home at the base of the Trinity Alps, Trinity County, in northern California. He leaves three grown children: Bill, Lindsey, and Kim.

Lloyd spent most of his life in the United States, mainly in California. He suffered injury in Belgium during World War II. After his recovery, he earned his M.B.A. in Personnel Administration at Wayne University in Detroit. This prepared him to obtain employment in the personnel office at Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Sunnyvale, California. He worked there until retiring in 1987.

To erect a strong building, a mason painstakingly hand-lays each individual brick. Similarly, Lloyd carefully interviewed and selected each job candidate before placing him or her within the Lockheed human resource structure. As Lockheed grew, so did the surrounding support start-up companies. Collectively, these later became known as Silicon Valley.

In 1990, Lloyd and wife Jenny moved to Trinity County. There they raised pet pygmy goats, enjoyed their peacocks and llama, and established J&L Publications to publish and disseminate works on the nature of Consciousness.

The following are lyrics to an original song composed for Lloyd's wedding. The song was repeated at the Celebration of Life Ceremony after his passing.


Rainbow's End

At rainbow's end, I found a friend . . . 
Reflection in the glass. 
How could I guess, I'd find the rest; 
A Love I know will last. 
It's funny how Love's changed me now . . . 
So satisfied, fulfilled. 
As I reflect and recollect, 
I see how Love's instilled 
In every step, each moment's kept 
In perfect harmony; 
And when you came, I saw the rain 
Helped write this melody. 

Copyright (c) Rev. Tirza Ericson

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Fulfill The Dream of Spaceflight

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