Memorial Spaceflights

Ida G. Haag

"She wanted to go ... into space"
1931 - 2006

Ida G. Haag was also known as “Drama-momma,” “ConMom” and “CopyCat.”

Born Ida Goldie Bryza to a family of 16 children in a tiny suburb of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, she made her way across country to marry a Texas sailor in California, before settling down in Texas to raise her five children.

She was always supportive of her kids’ school endeavors, including plays, earning the name “Drama-momma.” She was involved with Star Trek and nostalgia conventions, helping feed the staff and guests, where she became known as “ConMom.” And she spent her later years as a “CopyCat,” running the copy center for Emerson Elementary in Houston.

She is now in the arms of her husband, her two sons, and her granddaughter. She always said she wanted to go into space. Her three daughters, her two granddaughters, her grandson, and her two great-granddaughters now lovingly give her this gift as she gave so much to all of us.

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