Memorial Spaceflights

Enrica Pizzorusso Amore

"Tenacious, Zealous, and True"
1943 - 2019

Enrica was born in New Haven, Ct. on Halloween, October 31, 1943, and perhaps that is the reason she bewitched everyone when she walked into a room. Her intelligence, openness, engaging personality, and beauty gave her a natural charisma that endeared her to everyone she met. With a Master’s degree in American History, she taught social studies for many years in the Hamden public schools. Her late husband, Charles Amore, was a renowned metallurgist. They shared their love of learning with their two children, Charles J. Amore, Jr., a mechanical engineer, and Dawn Amore, president of a technology firm. She could answer any question about American history. She was ecstatic when she first listened to the soundtrack of the musical Hamilton; she already knew the historical figures and their stories in detail. An avid fan of antiques, especially Louis XIV furniture, she spent significant time finding treasures at tag sales, as well as negotiating in French at the Paris flea markets. She was also able to engage in lively discussions of European history and politics with her British son-in-law Paul Cooper. As a daughter of the late Americo and Ada DiLoreto Pizzorusso, she took great pride in her Italian heritage and enjoyed speaking Italian and visiting Italy. Naturally, her favorite holiday was Halloween, which she celebrated all year round. She loved jewelry and was always dripping in it. In her senior years, she anticipated a fashion trend and started wearing a tiara, even to the grocery store. She was a woman of great strength, courage, and love, as both she and her husband fought chronic illnesses for decades. Despite the challenges and obstacles life brought her, she lived every day to the fullest.

Enrica loved to travel and believed that travel was the best way to learn. Family trips were focused on visiting historic and cultural landmarks around the country. She was always on the go, never satisfied being at rest. While she did not meet her worldwide travel goals when she was alive, this trip on Enterprise gives her an opportunity to be in perpetual motion; she will see our world from a privileged vantage point and will see worlds we have not yet discovered. Buon viaggio, Enrica!


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