Memorial Spaceflights

Edward Kurtis Schmitz

"All our love Eddie our Munchie Man foreverandever!"
1998 - 2024

To be pure of heart is to want peace, freedom, and safety for the innocent. To be strong is to be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals no matter the price. To be both is to not only react to evil with the force necessary, and not an ounce more, but also to be proactive in searching, finding, and burning out the darkness from the world with a righteous flame in order to free the the defenseless innocent from subjugation, oppression, tyranny, and injustice. Those who are pure of heart and strong in mind, body, and soul have a direct obligation to protect those who can not fend for themselves because defenselessness is not synonymous with impotence. Every human being possesses capabilities that align with their innate gifts and talents, which in turn benefits the society in which they live. To be idle in the face of evil is to allow the spectrum of skills and talents to be subjugated at the best and destroyed at the worst. We were all born with raw potential that is honed as we mature, so the pure and strong must protect that growth and allow everyone to benefit from their fellow man flourishing. To do otherwise is to be responsible for the death and destruction caused by an unchecked evil being allowed to exist and fester. The thing about darkness is that a single ember can hold it at bay. All it takes is one ember to ignite the righteous inferno. The pure and the strong are the light in the darkness, the embers in the wind, and the line in the sand across which evil shall never traverse. It's our duty to stand firm and meet the darkness head on for every life we protect resides within every breath, every step, and every beat of our pure hearts.
Written by Edward Kurtis Schmitz 3/3/2024

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